EDZ Supply Chain
We design our products in house and then go out to specialist manufacturers to have them made to our specification.
Our products are produced sustainably and to a high ethical standard from the production of the wool through to the manufacturing process.
Up until around 2008 we had everything made locally. Our manufacturer, along with many other UK garment manufacturers and textile related businesses sadly have either ceased trading or gone offshore so most things are now made abroad. We are always on the look out for UK and European manufacturers so if you are one drop us a line!
The supply chain for our wool starts in Australia or New Zealand with wool produced under the Woolmark Scheme (Aus) or RWS scheme (NZ) which ensures farming methods used in the production of the wool maintain a high standard of animal welfare. The wool is processed and spun in either Austria, Czech Republic, Turkey, Italy or China, the fabric is made in Turkey, Italy or China with production taking place in either Czech Republic, Turkey, Romania or China. We do still have some traditional knitted hats made in the UK.
We are often asked why we don’t use UK wool in our products. It is simply because the wool we use in our garments is a much finer grade than the wool produced by British breeds of sheep. The finer the grade the softer the feel & Merino produce some of the finest wool. The reason Merino sheep are not farmed in the UK is that they are not best suited to our climate.
The wool used in our products is either from New Zealand which does not practice mulesing or from Australia under the Woolmark scheme which ensures high welfare standards in the production of the wool and to find out what they have to say about Mulesling https://www.woolmark.com/globalassets/_06-new-woolmark/_industry/research/factsheets/gd2405-print_animal-welfare-mulesing-and-wool_6.pdf