Pack Less, Pack Merino!
Lightweight and perfect for Summer adventures and holidays
make the most of your carry on baggage allowance
As the carry on luggage allowance for budget airlines gets smaller what do you take?  If you change your regular T-shirts, socks and underwear to merino wool you will need half as much stuff. A merino shirt can be worn for days without needing to be washed, the same with socks and underwear. The added benifit with merino greater comfort in hot sweaty conditions than cottons and synthetics, it is natuaral climate control. Merino wool is very fine so it is not itchy. To find out more click here
EDZ 200g Merino T-shirts
” I bought this shirt for bicycle touring. Really good quality. I was kept cool in really warm temperatures 36 degrees. I was able to use for three straight days. Great piece of kit”.