Tips to save on heating when working from home

Tips to save on heating when working from home

Lots of us are working from home, the cost of heating has become expensive and after sitting at a computer for a couple hours you will end up cold.

Rather than than putting more heat into the room, retain your body heat by efficient layering. There are lots of Thermals out there but wool is one of the best materials. Here are some suggestions from EDZ;

  1. Hands

red fingerless gloves made of merino wool for warmth

Fingerless merino gloves will help keep hands warm when typing.

EDZ merino fingerless gloves


2. Torso

EDZ women's merino base layer thermal long sleeve top

Worn next to the skin merino base layer tops help retain body heat.

EDZ women’s merino base layers
EDZ men’s merino base layers


Then layer up on your base layer with a merino mid-layer

Women’s mid-layers
Men’s mid-layers


       3. Legs

Merino leggings will keep your legs warm & as heat rises the temperature under a desk is always going to be cooler. Wear under jeans or trousers.

Women’s leggings
Men’s leggings

        4.  Feet

Much heat is lost through the feet and a thick pair of merino wool socks will make all the difference.  Try sheepskin slippers with these.

EDZ Merino socks

                5. Head

merino wool thermal beanie hat

The head also looses a lot of heat so a Merino beanie is a good way to keep it in.

EDZ 200g Merino Beanies

             6. Neck

EDZ 135g merino tube red

7. And lastly the neck which can be covered with a merino neck warmer.

EDZ 135g merino neck warmer